How to Maintain Mental Health: Searched more on Google in 2021

Have you been experiencing anxiety, stress, depression or other challenges to your mental health during the COVID-19 Pandemic? You are not alone! According to Google Year in Search 2021, the term “how to maintain mental health” was searched more than ever before

It’s no wonder. As we continue to experience the loss of normal ways of coping—socializing, traveling, having regular school and work schedules—it’s hard to imagine the Endemic is in sight.

For some people, the pandemic has brought about new mental health challenges. For adults experiencing mental and behavioral health disabilities, the pandemic may have increased their challenges. Whether you’re experiencing a new challenge or not, it’s important to recognize when you are NOT okay.

In Hunter Medical Research Institute’s “5 tips to support your mental wellbeing during Covid-19”, the 5th tip is: It’s okay to not always be okay. The tip says it’s important to recognize and speak-up when we are not okay. It’s actually GOOD for our mental health to acknowledge these feelings and to seek help. (For the rest of the article and tips, follow the link to the full article below.)

If you are feeling stress, anxiety and other challenges due to the Pandemic, we invite you to participate in TACID’s Online Peer Support Group, Managing COVID Grief and Stress.

Here’s a description of the group:

We are living in unusual times that can increase our feelings of stress, anxiety and isolation. We may experience grief over the loss of our old ‘normal’, jobs, housing or people we knew due to COVID. Information about COVID changes daily which can leave us unsure how to be safe. You can join this peer support group to connect with others experiencing similar issues, talk about the challenges and discuss coping skills.

Managing COVID Grief and Stress meets every Monday on Zoom at 10AM. If you have questions or would like to join the group, please email Lisa: or Corie:

If you are experiencing a non-life threatening but urgent mental or behavioral health crisis, please call Crisis Connection: (800) 576-7764) Crisis Connections operates 24/7/365 days a year in Pierce County.

Here’s the link to 5 tips to support your mental wellbeing during COVID-19 | HMRI