It’s mid-December and the Holiday Season is well underway. Even if you love this time of year, you might be feeling stressed, sad, or surprisingly humbug! No matter how you feel—don’t underestimate the impact of another holiday during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
A poll conducted by the American Psychological Association found that nearly a quarter of Americans report feeling extreme stress during this time of year. The loss of loved ones, financial stress, feelings of isolation and anxiety, along with the uncertainty of the Pandemic – these are all impacting the way we feel.
Our December blog post is dedicated to Holiday Mental Health and Wellness Resources that you might be able to use, share or just take a look at. We hope they are helpful!
Holiday Mental Health and Wellness Resources:
The first resource is a bit of Mental Health First Aid from The National Council for Mental Wellbeing. For more information: https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/
Five Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health this Holiday Season
- Focus on what you can control. The pandemic has changed a lot around us, and it’s OK if you feel anxious as a result. Control what you can to take care of your physical and mental health. If you are nervous about travel requirements, research them in advance so you feel more prepared. If you’re feeling stressed by the media, take a digital break for a few days.
- Keep healthy habits. It’s important to keep healthy habits in place no matter your holiday plans. This may include going on a daily walk, getting a good night’s rest, or staying hydrated. Taking care of your physical health can help stabilize your mood, reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, and improve long-term mental wellbeing.
- Make time for yourself. Spending time with family or friends, especially if you have not seen them in the last few years, can be overwhelming. If you need a moment to yourself, try sneaking away to a quiet room or going for an early morning walk.
- Create new traditions. It may feel challenging to revert to past holiday traditions, and that’s OK. Create new traditions that work for you and prioritize your mental wellbeing.
- Ask for help if you need it. If you are feeling especially sad, stressed, anxious or depressed, ask for help. Talk to someone you trust, a mental health professional or a primary care physician for guidance and support.
If you are experiencing a behavioral health crisis, please call Crisis Connection: (800) 576-7764) Crisis Connections operates the 24/7/365 regional crisis line for Pierce County. A crisis hotline advisor will triage, screen, and discuss an assessment of your needs and intervention preferences.
If you need peer support while TACID is closed for the holidays, call the Warm Line, a confidential 24/7 emotional-support help line covering Peirce County (WA). The Warm Line is staffed by trained peers who have lived experience with emotional and behavioral health challenges. Warm Line is available to any caller who needs to talk with someone that will listen, support, comfort and provide resources. For Warm Line Pierce County, Call: (877) 780-5222 or (253) 942-5655
For updated Holiday safety guidance from the CDC: Holiday Tips (cdc.gov)
For in-depth advice about handling stress during the Holidays and the Pandemic: https://namica.org/blog/handling-stress-during-the-holiday-season/
For inspiration and advice about how to “get through” the holidays: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/trial-triumph/202112/getting-through-the-holidays-find-peace-and-build-resilience
TACID will be closed from December 23-January 3, 2022.
Stay Well and Safe—we’ll see you in the New Year!