Making Art to Overcome a Perfectionist Mindset

Making Art to Overcome a Perfectionist Mindset

September 13, 2023

What is perfectionism? Perfectionism is a mindset of unrealistic standards that people may impose on themselves, on other people, on situations and/or things, like artwork. How does perfectionism make daily living challenging? People with a perfectionist mindset may experience mental and emotional pressure which leads to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. As a self-identified perfectionist,…

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The Art of Self-Acceptance

February 9, 2023

Greetings! My name is Da’Nitra Wade-Roberts and I’m a new Certified Peer Support Counselor (CPC) at TACID. I’m new to being a CPC but, as I’ve learned about it, I’ve realized I’m pretty familiar with the idea of peer support. In my previous job, I worked as a caregiver, providing aid to people who needed…

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